
In days of yore, the citizens of a land called Hollywood captured everyone’s imagination with magical stories of People-Power. We’d see how powerless people were when kings were the Hipster Bullies.

But that was so half century ago.

People-Power failed to maintain its coolness. Today, Hipster Bullies rule again … and what a comeback! Hipster Bullies are actually honored in Hollywood’s moving tales. We can be watching a romantic comedy, but somehow the story salutes the Hipster Bullies’ national healthcare policy, maybe there’s some partisan dig or even a fantastic climate alert! In the news media, Hipster Bullies have met resistance from the People-Power crowd. But who still “paints us the pictures”; who captures our imagination … who maintains the cool? For decades, the People-Power crowd has cried about such cultural issues, but what do they actually do with movies or TV shows? Name one flick that dramatizes why we must limit our federal government? Imagine this tale: A lowly Congresswoman rises up to restore Congress’ power of the purse. See anything like that out there? No! Such obstructionist stories are not to be tolerated; they wouldn’t honor the Hipster Bullies at all! It’s scary how tales of People-Power simply don’t get told. But you think, “what can I do about?”

Enter tax deductible Arts Education 501c3 American Tales Institute (ATI). Back east, ATI is plugged into other cultural orgs, think tanks and Ivy League academia. Out west, we’re immersed in Hollywood. Tweet us. Tour our site. Assist with our video contests. Attend our upcoming events. View our family-friendly intro videos, “Just U.S. Chickens”. Discover the magic that makes movies. ATI will advance America’s story any way we can. Entertaining stories take us on a great ride; fostering them can be a great ride too. America still runs on People-Power. We use it or we will lose it. Join us.

Let’s get America’s stories out